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Blog posts : "General"

Congratulations to all Tai Chi Graduates

Another great Tai Chi ranking!

Congratulations on an awesome job receiving your new Tai Chi sashes!

Check out the new pictures

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Be Thankful

"Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations, they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge, which will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes, they will teach you valuable lessons."

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More About Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming February 16th 2018

and will be celebrated at the school Saturday, February 17th - watch for more posts to keep you updated on this very important yearly event!

Every year the date changes because it follows the Lunar Calendar. It is also called Spring Festival.

Chinese New Year starts a new animal zodiac year. In China, each Lunar cycle has 60 years and 12 years is regarded as a small cycle. Each of the 12 years is defined as an animal sign. 

2018 is year of the Earth Dog. It is believed that the year represented by the animals affect the characters of people in the same way like the Western astrology signs.

People, (like Sifu Sara!), born in the Year of the Dog present with strengths such as:

Sincere, Loyal, Decisive, Responsible, Clever, Courageous, and are not afraid of difficulties in daily life.

According to Chinese zodiac analysis, this makes them have harmonious relationships with people.

Are you born Year of the Dog like Sifu Sara?

1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006


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Sihing Dave

First Certified Kung Fu Black Sash!

Sihing Dave has completed his black sash program requirements and has earned his certification and title "Sihing."

This title translates to "big brother." All kung fu students should address him with his title before his name - "Sihing Dave."

Congratulations Sihing Dave!

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New Black Sash!

Congratulations Devin!

We would like to welcome Devin to our Black Sash Program.

Great job earning your Black Sash!

We are all proud of you. 


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Chinese Lions

According to traditional Chinese belief, the lion signifies courage, stability and superiority.

Clashing cymbals, gongs and drums excite the moves of the lion. Throughout the performance, the lion will mimic various moods and demonstrate similar physical gestures combining art, history, and kung fu.

The lion dance was thought to bring good luck and prosperity in the year to come. Customary gifts like oranges symbolizing wealth and red envelopes containing lucky money are often seen at Chinese New Year accompanying a lion dance performance.

The northern lion dance was used to entertain the imperial court and the appearance is similar to a Pekinese dog.

The southern dance is more symbolic for Chinese New Year celebrations as mentioned above and have more cat like resemblances.

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Congratulations to all Kung Fu Graduates

Congratulations on an awesome job in receiving your new Kung Fu sashes!
An extra congrats goes out to Jim for getting his Black Sash!

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Our Kung Fu Style

The style of kung fu we do is a Northern Shaolin Long-fist called Huaquan (Glorious Boxing). This style involves movements of all of the muscle groups in your body including the joints and internal organs. It will strengthen the upper and lower limbs while working on developing flexibility in the knees, hips and shoulders. It will also build elasticity of the waist and teach the student how to control their breath during physical activity. This type of training is rigorous but all these elements play an important role in long-fist kung fu. There is an old saying that states:Practice boxing without exercising the legs, and you shall blunder into old age; practice boxing without exercising the waist and you shall never achieve expertise.” Statements like this remind us how important it is to train the body correctly and consistently while taking our time to build the proper fundamentals necessary for success. To be successful in long-fist a student must attend class at least three times per week on a consistent basis. Anything less will not allow the training to build the body correctly over time and run the risk of injury.

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Kung Fu Class Outline

Monday through Thursday is where rank specific required curriculum is taught.

Monday & Wednesday is where advanced (brown and up) curriculum is taught. Sashes (blue and under) are welcome to train but will be dismissed early (re-entering the blue floor will not be permitted).

Tuesday & Thursday is where beginner - intermediate (blue and under) curriculum is taught. Sashes (brown and up) are welcome to train but will be dismissed early (re-entering the blue floor will not be permitted).

Saturday is focused on bag work, review, and sparring concepts. All ranks welcome.

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Congratulations to all Tai Chi Graduates

Congratulations on an awesome job in receiving your new Tai Chi sashes!

An extra congrats goes out to Roy for getting his Black Sash!


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Zen Story

A rich man, fond of felines, asked a famous zen ink painter to draw him a cat.

The master agreed and asked the man to come back in three months.

When the man returned, he was put off, again and again, until a year had passed.

Finally, at the man's request, the master drew out a brush, and , with grace & ease, in a single fluid motion, drew a picture of a cat - the most marvelous image the man had ever seen. He was astonished and then he grew angry. "That drawing took you only thirty seconds! Why did you make me wait a year?" he demanded.

Without a word, the master opened up a cabinet, and out fell thousands of drawings - of cats.

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A Student & His Teacher

A student said to his master:

"You teach me fighting, but you talk about peace. How do you reconcile the two?"

The master replied:

"It is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war."

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Food For The Soul

"Training of the mind and body leads to awareness of the soul." - Bks Iyengar

Kung Fu & Tai Chi training is food for the soul since it makes us feel good internally and externally. It feeds our body and our mind, making us calmer and more passionate about our everyday life.

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Congratulations Elijah!


Great Job Elijah!

Outstanding job earning your black sash!

We are all proud of you and look forward to you joining the black sash training program. 


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Key to Growth

"The Key to Growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness."

- Lao Tzu

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Interest & Commitment

"There's a difference between interest and commitment

When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient.

When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."


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Congratulations to all Kung Fu Graduates

Congratulations on an awesome job in receiving your new Kung Fu sashes!
An extra congrats goes out to Dakota for getting his Black Sash!

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Congratulations Tai Chi Students!

Great Job Tai Chi Students!

Another excellent sash ranking by all the Tai Chi students.

An extra congratulations goes to Michelle for getting her Black Sash!

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Kung Fu Mon - Fri 7PM & Sat 11:30AM


is no accident. It is hard work,


learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all,

Love of what you are doing

or learning to do."

                    - Pele

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Kung Fu Class Times Starting May

Kung Fu All Levels ~ Monday thru Friday at 7:00 PM and Saturday at 11:30 AM.

Kung Fu students should arrive at the school planning for a minimum of 10 minutes stretch time before class begins.

"Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor."  -Brian Tracey 

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20 blog posts